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WATCH: 10 Olympic Athletes Caught CHEATING at the Games

August 16, 2016 | Tuesday
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Cheating has been a part of the Olympics Games since its creation. Individual players, coaches, even entire teams have been caught trying to up their advantage in one way or another. As the saying goes however, cheaters never prosper and at some point they are caught. At best they lose their standing or their metals. At worst, they are barred from participating at the Games for years or for life. Some wonder if the risk of being caught even makes the cheating worth it. Maybe they feel they will never be caught, that they can somehow slip under the radar and have their moment in the spotlight. In an event as big as the Olympics, there’s nowhere to hide and eventually the truth will out.

In every professional sport there is an aspect of cheating. Whether disqualified for doping or discredited for bribing the judges, in the end cheaters never really win. Here are ten Olympic Games cheaters from over the years.

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