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WATCH: An Interview With The Creator Of AlDub | The Mind Behind AlDub

January 14, 2015 | Thursday

The The creator of AlDub, Jenny Ferre, denies the suggestion that their potential off-air love affair has been made up to appeal to the show's fans.

However, she did admit the program had been facing problems attracting young viewers, and that her team had been trying to come up with a solution for five years.

"We were encountering a little problem... before it happened, like how to penetrate social media and how to go digital," Jenny Ferre said.
Their goal was to captivate viewers by using Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and draw them back to television.

"TV is like Dracula, social media is the blood, you just have to suck it out and give TV that strength," she said.

Ms Ferre insists the AlDub phenomenon was a stroke of luck that she latched onto once it became clear the couple had the formula for success.

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