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Two year old miraculously saves twin brother | Viral Video

January 05, 2017 |  Friday

Video of the twins' escapade went viral after their parents posted it online. It shows the boys climbing on the dresser in their bedroom, and shows the piece of furniture falling, trapping Brock underneath. Then Bowdy -- channeling his inner strength -- lifts the dresser high enough for his brother to escape. It's become a warning to families with young children that the furniture in toddlers' rooms needs to be bolted to the wall.

"A lot of people have messaged us since, (saying) 'Hey, we've now got our dressers bolted,'" father Ricky said of reaction to the video.

The Shoffs said most of the responses have been positive and grateful, but to the critics, Kayli says: "You can't 100% child-proof your home. I think it's impossible."

In an exclusive interview with CNN's "New Day," two-year-old Bowdy Shoff, and his twin Brock, ran around the studio Wednesday as their parents recounted the dresser falling and everyday life with their rambunctious toddlers.

"It's chaotic," mom Kayli told CNN's Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota. "Every single day they get a scratch or a bump. They just do. They're boys, they're curious."

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